© Saddleworth Archaeological Trust , 2008 |

Retrospective 2008.
The first meeting of the year was the Annual General Meeting, which was held at Uppermill Masonic Hall on Tuesday 8th January 2008. The meeting was very well attended and we managed to transact the business of the meeting fairly quickly. The main items being the election of the officers, who were re-elected on- bloc and the amount of the annual subscription, which, on the recommendation of the Treasurer, remained the same as the previous year. After the close
of the AGM, David Chadderton gave an illustrated talk entitled the ‘Restoration of Wool Road Warehouse’. In the early 1970’s the state of the warehouse was such that it was close to collapse and a lease was agreed by the Historical Society and British Waterways to enable a program of repair to be carried out. From 1977 until 1983 a team from the Industrial Archaeology Group of the Historical Society, many who are now members of the Archaeological Trust, repaired the structure of the warehouse and replaced the
roof. In 1983 the Historical Society transferred the Lease to the
Huddersfield canal Society who, with the aid of a substantial Lottery Grant completed the restoration and today use the building as an office. Without the restoration Wool Road Warehouse would not be standing today.
In February Ken Booth gave an illustrated talk on ‘The Hidden Frontier’ Romans on the Solway Coast. This stretches down the Cumbrian coast from Bowness on Solway to Ravenglass. This is an extension of Hadrian’s Wall, it has Mileforts and Towers, the main difference being that there is no wall connecting them.
The Warehouse During Restoration