© Saddleworth Archaeological Trust , 2008 |
The audience were told of the difficulty in locating some of the remains and shown slides and drawings of the towers and mileforts. The Roman forts on the frontier are at Beckfoot, Maryport, Burrow Walls, Moresby and Ravenglass all of which Ken illustrated with slides and plans .
March was the month of the Third John Buckley Lecture which was entitled ‘Recent Industrial Archaeology. Excavations in Greater Manchester ’, an illustrated talk by Norman Redhead. County Archaeologist for Greater Manchester.
A capacity audience heard Norman tell of the archaeological exploration that had been under-taken during the year in Greater Manchester. The talk was accompanied by digital images of sites, maps and early records. Norman held his audience spell-bound with accounts of the diversity of the archaeology and his magnificent images .
The last lecture before the summer break was held on the 15th April and was given by Dr. Laurance Donnelly, an Exploration and Engineering Geologist who has spent considerable time exploring the Saddleworth hills. This was a repeat, by popular demand, of the lecture he gave last year. His title was ‘The Evolution of the Saddleworth
Landscape in relation to Archaeology’ and the talk was illustrated by digital images of the Saddleworth landscape. An audience of over 40 people were enthralled to learn that the landscape of Saddleworth had originated from Antartica millions of years ago and even now Saddleworth is moving towards Germany. Laurance answered many questions from the floor. Reports from a very appreciative audience indicated that this again was a very interesting talk.
14th October – English Heritage and the Archaeology of the NW Region a slide lecture by Andrew Davison. Inspector of Ancient Monuments. Andrew was involved with the last excavations at Castleshaw and is involved with the current excavations at Buckton Castle and has promised to tell us of his experiences at both sites.
18th November – Roman Manchester 2006 a slide lecture by Dr Richard Gregory. Senior Archaeologist with the Department of Archaeology, Manchester University.
Richard will tell us of the extensive excavations he directed in 2006 within the vicus