Conservation Management Plan

The Conservation Management Plan was produced by
Northern Archaeological Associates
for the Castleshaw Working Party.


   Main Report    (9MB file)
   Appendices     (3MB file)


Articles / Papers


   Castleshaw Roman Forts

     Historic England Scheduled Site Entry


     Other available publications specifically about Castleshaw Roman Forts

   List of accessible documents in chronological order
  (Members, Please log into the members area for the full list)


Castleshaw - The Archaeology of a Roman Fortlet

N Redhead, J Roberts,
D Start, J Walker, R McNeil.
GMAU - 1989
Digitised June 2024

See Members area


Geophysical surveys of Daycroft field (Searching for the Roman Highway)

Tim Jeffery, Norman Redhead & Phil Barrett
March 2024

9.6 MB file


Castleshaw Roman Fort: Archaeological Evaluation of the eastern annexe

Norman Redhead
January  2024

24.4MB file


Archaeological Evaluation of the possible monastic grange site at Waters Clough, Castleshaw, Saddleworth 2022

Norman Redhead
March 2023

7.50MB file


Archaeological Excavation of land east of the fort defences 2022

Norman Redhead
March  2023

16.3MB file


Archaeological Evaluation of land east of the fort defences - 2021

Norman Redhead
March 2022

17.8 MB file


Archaeological excavation of a possible monastic grange building at Water’s Clough, Castleshaw, Saddleworth 2019

Norman Redhead
June  2020

15.5MB file


Archaeological Evaluation of land east of the fort defences - Summer 2019

Norman Redhead
Summer 2019

9.3 MB file


Archaeological evaluation of land east of the fort defences 2018

Norman Redhead
April 2019

5.9 MB file


Archaeological excavation of a possible monastic grange building at Water’s Clough, Castleshaw, Saddleworth May 2018

Norman Redhead
March 2019

8.60MB file


Archaeological Evaluation of the Roman Road beside Water’s Clough, Castleshaw May 2017

Norman Redhead
March 2018

2.0MB file


Archaeological Evaluation of the Ruin beside Water’s Clough, Castleshaw, Saddleworth 2017

Norman Redhead
Jan 2018

9.0MB file


Castleshaw Roman Fort: Archaeological Evaluation of land north of the fort defences 2017

Norman Redhead

7.7MB file


Castleshaw Roman Fort: Archaeological Evaluation of land north of the fort defences 2016

Norman Redhead
July/August 2016

4.5MB file


Archaeological Evaluation of land beside
Water’s Clough, Castleshaw

Norman Redhead
Phil Barrett
June 2016

6.2MB file


Final Evaluation Report for HLF for
'Redefining Roman Castleshaw'

Norman Redhead
Colin Berry
Jane Nield
Rob Isherwood

Jan 2016

1.0MB file


Redefining Roman Castleshaw
Report on the 2014 Excavations
July 2014

University of Salford
Jan 2016

Compact edition
5.2MB file

Normal Edition
16MB file


Archaeological Evaluation at the site of Harbour, Dirty Lane, Castleshaw, Saddleworth
May 2015

Norman Redhead
July 2015

3.3MB file


Archaeological Evaluation of Plot 8 east of the Roman Forts, Dirty Lane, Castleshaw, Saddleworth
March 2014

Norman Redhead
June 2014

3.2MB file


Archaeological Evaluation of Plot E, north of Lower Castleshaw hamlet, Dirty Lane,Castleshaw,Saddleworth
September 2013

Norman Redhead
May 2014

2.1MB file


Archaeological Evaluation of Plot D east of the Roman Forts, Dirty Lane,Castleshaw,Saddleworth
June and September 2013

Norman Redhead
Feb 2014

6.0MB file

TAS - Castleshaw, Saddleworth -
A Geophysical survey 2013

Tameside Archaeological Society Ltd.
Jun 2013

10.1MB file


Renewed Interest in the Castleshaw Roman Forts

Norman Redhead
April 2013

1.2MB file


Test Pitting of Possible Roman Bath house site

Norman Redhead
Greater Manchester Archaeological Advisory Service (GMAAS)
Jan 2013

2.3MB file


Castleshaw Evaluation - Stage 2, Extra mural activity

GMAU, 1997

20MB file


Daycroft Field, Castleshaw - An evaluation of extra-mural activity south of the Roman fort complex

GMAU, 1996

2.6MB file


Survey and Conservation Work at Castleshaw Roman Forts

D Start, GMAU, 1984/5

0.5MB file


The Roman Forts at Castleshaw (W.R.): Excavations 1957-1964


Click here for a contemporary newspaper article

F. H. Thompson - 1967
(Courtesy of the Lancashire &
Cheshire Antiquarian Society)



See Members Area


The Roman Forts at Castleshaw: Excavations 1957-1961

J. A. Petch - 1961
(Courtesy of the Lancashire &
Cheshire Antiquarian Society)

See Members Area


Interim Report on the Excavations at Castleshaw 1957

C.E.P. Rosser - 1957
(Courtesy of the Lancashire &
Cheshire Antiquarian Society)

See Members Area


The Sequence and Purpose of the Roman Forts at Castleshaw

Ian A. Richmond - 1922
(Courtesy of the Lancashire &
Cheshire Antiquarian Society)

See Members Area


Recent Finds At Castleshaw

Samuel Andrew - 1908
(Courtesy of the Lancashire &
Cheshire Antiquarian Society)

See Members Area


Antiquary Magazine - 1899

See Members Area


The Roman camp at Castleshaw and the antiquities of the Saddleworth district

Samuel Andrew 1898

0.08MB file


   Roman Roads


Saddleworth Seven One Two
  Further details here

Donald Haigh and the '712 Group'  1982
(Digitised with kind permission,
Oct 2012)

14.5MB file



   Medieval Iron (Bloomery) Workings


Spa Clough - Excavations

GMAU, 1992

0.6MB file


Spa Clough - 2nd Interim Report

GMAU, 1993

4.4MB file


Cudworth Pasture - Excavation Report

GMAU, 1996

2.8MB file


Report on an Archaeological Survey of Medieval Iron Smelting remains near Castleshaw Upper Reservoir in Saddleworth

Test Pitting and Survey , Oct 2012
Provisional Summary and Site Photos

Norman Redhead

Heritage Management Director (Archaeology)
Greater Manchester Archaeological Advisory Service
Nov 2012

5.7MB file





North West Water - Castleshaw and Piethorne Archaeological Survey

GMAU 1996

58MB file



    Listed Sites within Castleshaw



Higher Castleshaw Farmhouse

Grade II



Grade II


Low Bank

Grade II


Wood Farmhouse and Adjoining Barns

Grade II


Higher Castleshaw Cottages

Grade II


Wood Barn Farmhouse and adjoining cottages

Grade II


Causeway Sett

Grade II


Causeway Sett Farmhouse

Grade II


Higher Grange Farmhouse

Grade II


Hook Farm Cottage

Grade II


Lower Grange, 1 Mill Croft Lane

Grade II


Lower Grange, 2 Mill Croft Lane

Grade II


Nook Farmhouse

Grade II



Grade II


Outbuildings adjoining west of View Banks

Grade II


Castle Hill Cote

Grade II


View Banks

Grade II


Moorlands Cottage

Grade II


Well Croft and Well Croft House

Grade II



Grade II


Pack Horse Slack Farmhouse

Grade II


Mill Croft Farmhouse and Cottage adjoining to west

Grade II


Sandbed Farmhouse and adjoining Barn

Grade II


Sandbed House

Grade II









© The Friends of Castleshaw Roman Forts , 2023